Burlap and Gingham Wreath


Burlap and Gingham Wreath

Burlap and Gingham Wreath
Burlap and Gingham Wreath

Add a little country charm to your home this Christmas with this Burlap and Gingham Wreath. You can teach yourself how to make a burlap wreath with this easy tutorial. Once you get all of your supplies ready, it will take you less than an hour to make this DIY wreath. When you decorate for Christmas, make sure you do this burlap wreath tutorial. Your home will look festive and beautiful; and, it will have the charm you love so much. You can use this homemade wreath every Christmas; you can also change up the color scheme to make a wreath for every season.

Estimated Cost$11-$20

Time to CompleteIn an evening

Primary TechniqueFlorals/Wreaths



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