
Glamorous Golden Sequin Vases

Glamorous Golden Sequin Vases

Your home doesn't look sparkly enough for the big New Year's Eve bash you're planning to throw, but you don't want to spend money on new decorations. Jazz things up yourself with this idea for Glamorous Golden Sequin Vases from iLoveToCreate. Grab some wine bottles you were going to recycle anyway, a few simple materials from a craft store, and you'll be well on your way to decorating your table or mantle with the beautiful, homemade New Year's centerpieces. Friends will be approaching you for New Year's centerpiece ideas for years to come.

Materials List

  • Tulip® Fashion Sequins®
  • Aleene's® Always Ready Tacky Glues
  • Clear Gel Tacky Glue
  • Gold spray paint
  • Various glass bottles
  • Disposable paintbrush
  • Additional sequin colors (optional)


  1. Wash and peel off any labels from your glass bottles. In a well-ventilated area or outdoors, spray paint your bottles gold and allow them to dry for at least one hour. Make sure spray paint has completely dried before progressing with project.

  2. Working in sections at a time, apply Clear Gel Tacky Glue to bottle. Apply a thick layer of glue and smooth with a disposable brush.

  3. Immediately sprinkle a handful of gold sequins over the glue. Repeat until the area is covered. Use additional glue to fill in empty areas with more sequins if necessary.

  4. Continue this process until you have made your way around the bottle and all desired areas are sequined.

  5. Add a second color of sequins if desired.

  6. Allow the bottle to dry for 24 hours before handling.


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